
Thanks, Aireal!

It's really nice when someone comes out of the blue and says they want to support you. This week Aireal Australia and I finalised a sponsorship arrangement. They make bombproof hubs, crowns and headsets for mountain bikes and road bikes, too, and are supporting my by providing some gear for my bike epic. You might have noticed that their logo appeared on the website in the last couple of days.

Their website can be found at airealaustralia.com

They also have a snazzy blog happening at www.airealaustralia.blogspot.com/

Robbie, with whom I've been to-ing and fro-ing emails, is very friendly and helpful. Her son lives in Tasmania, and they've even got Peter Dombrovskis photographs on the office walls, whcih goes to show they're nice people. Cheers guys!


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