Expedition finished...writing like a beaver






Story Sponsors

Thanks for your interest - if you like what you've been reading here on this website or in your email inbox, consider supporting the expedition. Any amount is gratefully received: the daily budget for the expedition is less than what many spend on a coffee and cake.

How to support the expedition

Click on the PayPal button to make a donation by credit card or e-cheque.
I can acknowledge your donation on the site if you wish. Contact me: nick (at)

Story Supporters

If you're really thrilled with what you see, you can contribute AU$10 monthly. Click the PayPal Subscribe button and enter your details in the page that appears. You can stop contributions at any time. Cheers!

Non-monetary assistance

In many of the countries to be traversed, just $2-3 dollars of sponsorship will provide accommodation for a night or a good meal. Even better, a non-monetary sponsorship means I can fund the daily expenses with my own money, which I'd like to do. Have a look at the help out page for a current list of things I need and ways you can help out.

Corporate sponsorship

If you're considering making a contribution, cheers! I'm happy to inorporate company logos into the site and media material. As you can see from the site, I take a lot of care with presentation and content, and the site is a valuable avenue to reach a substantial number of people. Have a look at the help out page to see what I need, and contact me by email (see above) to tell me what you'd like to propose.

Some more details...

Base funds for the expedition are from a season of working very hard as a bushwalking guide in Tasmania. Any donated funds will be used specifically for basic on-the-ground costs during the expedition, and to help alleviate any unforeseen hurdles (such as suddenly needing a wheel hub or similar disaster).

Thank you very much.


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Copyright © 2007 Nick McIntosh. All rights reserved.

All web design, web construction, interviews and photography by Nick McIntosh